Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Homeless, Phoneless, & Carless - Welcome to the City!

When we drove in for transfers and I met my companion, we were given the news that we didn't have a home, a phone, or a car whoot whoot! It was a rough start to the week but we now have a cute house, a truck, and a flip phone. It doesn't get better than that:)

Opening an area has been quite the experience but let me tell you, we have seen SO many miracles! Some of the miracles:

》Our first day together we weren't sure what to do or where to go so my idea was to just go find a bus and get on it and hope for the best. We decided to do it and let God direct us. The first 2 people we met that night were YSA, how amazing! 
》 We were on the LRT (Train that runs through the City) and we weren't having much luck. We got off at a station to head back for the night and there was nobody in sight. Suddenly a YSA walks up so I casually start a conversation. Sister Fernandez took over that conversation because another YSA walked up so I was able to start a conversation with him. How amazing that 2 YSA would walk up!
》We went campus singing where you go stand and sing hymns with some other missionaries. There were about 12 of us and boy was the spirit strong. As we were standing there singing these songs that share simple truths I was able to feel the spirit and I know those that heard felt it! One lady came over because she heard singing and stood there for almost an hour! She is interested in learning more about the gospel because of it!
》I was praying on Sunday that we would be able to find someone to teach. We went to church and met the ward. After church a member named Chris asked us if we could teach his friend right then. How cool is that? He had so many questions about the Word of Wisdom so that is what we taught and it went really well! He has asked that we teach him more next Sunday!

This week has been amazing and full of so many other miracles! God is so aware of you and what you need I promise! He loves us all so much!

Have a stellar week!
Sister Moon

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