Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"^_Brightly^_ ^_Beams^_ ^_Our^_ ^_Fathers^_ ^_Mercy^_!"

My companion loves this song and sings it on the daily and I thought it fit our week just perfectly!

Because we opened up the area, we had a completely blank area book to start with. We have been trying so hard to find people to teach in every way possible. I sure love tracting, don't get me wrong, but I also love teaching! Me and my wonderful companion were tracting and we were trying to follow the spirit with every door that we knocked on. One sir told us that we shouldn't be knocking on these houses because they were recovery homes. We got nervous because we had felt prompted to go here! We went and asked someone who was out walking and he laughed and said, "These are regular homes, with regular people!" We laughed and kept tracting, glad to know that normal people were living in these houses. We then came to one door and this guy answered! He had a heavy metal band on his shirt so I told him I thought his shirt was cool and then started talking about how we are able to grow closer to God through prayer and then the spirit took over! He told us he had been in prison and found God there and would love to have us come teach him more! We have to pass him over to the Elders because he wasn't YSA, but I know we were led to him!
The next day we had been on the LRT all day and were trying to find YSA to talk to. This guy was sitting across the train and I waved and he started talking to me. He is from Fort McMurray and it was so great to talk to him! There were so many other people that we talked to this week that we know were placed in our path! One lady moved from El Salvador and she said she had studied the Book of Mormon for 2 years and almost got baptized when she was 17! We saw so many tender mercies this week! AKA the song..."Brightly Beams Our Fathers Mercy!" I know that Heavenly Father loves us and He is looking out for us! We have been putting in our work and the Lord is extending his mercy and helping to cover the difference. Keep doing what you need to be doing because the Savior is there for all of us!

I love you all!!

Ps: I taught my comp how to drive and we match all the time on accident!

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