Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The world is my ice rink⛸


We had quite the week and sooo much happened so I decided I would just make a list of some things that were the highlights!

⊙We had some freezing rain this week because the temperature has been right around 0 (32 F) so it was a warm week but dangerous. It made literally everything ice. It felt like we were skating all week long!
⊙We ran into Newfie Neil at the gas station! He said, "Oh look it's my favorite church people" so we hauled out of there real quick.
⊙We met the pastor for the Salvation army church here. Her name was Elaine and she was quite nice. She even prayed for us when we were leaving and prayed we would find good husbands and keep our faith. She also just had surgery so she was yelling when we knocked to come in sooo we just walked in.
⊙We dropped one of our most promising potentials and his family. He started to bash and was telling us we can't have the Book of Mormon because the bible is the most correct. He told us he will continue praying that the "spirit will manifest the truth to our hearts" lol.
⊙We met that investigators pastors! They were respectful but really questioned us about our testimonies and beliefs. Their names were Judy and Terry and then when we left Judy gave us some hot apple cider in legit mugs. Such a doll.
⊙We met this cute lady named Blue. We showed her the #LightTheWorld video and then asked if we could teach her. She said she was interested and would love to learn more but her husband is against God and religion so she couldn't. We testified about the Book of Mormon, eternal families, and temples and she was crying. We gave her a Book of Mormon and our card and we just hope and pray that her husband will soften his heart enough to listen.
⊙Talked to our good friends Philip and Faye and Faye taught me quite a bit about yoga and quilting. They also invited us over for Christmas. 
⊙Met this newfie who was shoveling his driveway and we talked to him for a little bit and then he gave us all hugs before we left and it happened so quick we couldn't even tell him it wasn't allowed.

So sorry for the longgg email but I hope some of these crazy experiences bring a smile to someone. I sure love you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS🎄🍾

Sister Moon 

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