Tuesday, December 26, 2017


To explain the caption...last week, my comp asked me to cut her hair and being the good comp I am I said I would! Her hair is super curly (pro tip: if curly hair is wet, cut it way longer than what you expect) and it was wet so it was straight and pretty long. She asked me to cut it to about her shoulders so I put a towel over her shoulder and made the first cut. It was quite a bit shorter than she wanted it so I told her not to worry I would just cut the rest longer and she could pin that piece back. I kept cutting with the help of my other comp confirming it was the right length that she wanted it. In the end all of it was the same length as the first piece and I'm honestly not sure how that happened. Luckily she thought it was super cute and didn't want to kill me! This is why you don't want to live with your hairdresser:)

We had an amazing week full of caroling and visiting less active members. It was amazing to see how much more willing people were to listen to our message around this amazing season.

Today is boxing day which is basically Canadian black Friday whoot whoot.

I hope you had an amazing Christmas with family! Happy New Year and boxing day!

Sister Moon 

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