Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Hello hello,

So, to explain the subject of this email...last night we got back from class and we were all getting ready for bed. I was in the middle of my shower when the fire alarm started to go off. Even after practicing fire drills a million times at school, I started panicking because I had never practiced what to do if I was in the shower! I almost started to run out in my towel, when I decided I should probably have clothes on if I was going outside. I started to get dressed when I heard Sister Gehring shouting, "SISTER MOON, SISTER MOON! ARE YOU IN HERE?" I told her I was getting dressed as fast as I could and she answered, "SISTER MOON WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW THERE IS A FIRE!" We ran so fast out of the building and I still had conditioner in my hair. After about an hour we were able to go back inside. We were inside for about 30 minutes when it started going off again. Luckily, it only went off for a few seconds and we were told that one of the alarms was just filled up with dust and the steam from the showers somehow triggered them but they were being fixed. It was quite a scare in the moment, but we are all safe and happy that it was just an accident.

On to more spiritual things, we finished teaching one of our investigators this week, Alicia. As we were preparing to teach her for the last time we weren't sure what to teach her. We had invited her to be baptized and she said when she came to know if these things were true, she would definitely be baptized. Sister Gehring and I kept throwing out ideas for things we could talk about but none of them felt right. We decided that we just needed to go in and ask her what was holding her up and hope that we were prompted with what she needed to hear. That lesson was AMAZING. While we were in there she said she just needed to know what she was committing to by being baptized before taking that step. We were teaching her and I know that none of the things I said were from me. We were almost done teaching when I felt prompted to share a scripture with her about the Holy Ghost. I was opening my scriptures on my tablet and was about to go to a scripture when my tablet just opened to a chapter. I asked if we could just read the chapter together and the chapter just reaffirmed everything we had talked to her about and the spirit was so strong. I know that God was leading that lesson and we were just there to facilitate it.
Anyone that has toured the MTC knows that the murals are so so amazing here! At least 2 or 3 times a week we go and sit by them and just ponder them and the questions that they have on the wall. Sister Gehring and I picked the Moses mural the other day and it was the coolest thing! We came to realize that in the mural Moses was so little but he had such a big role to play in everything. It is kind of like us. We feel like we are so little and insignificant but we make the biggest differences. God is just waiting to use you to bless someone else's life. If we look outside of ourselves it is the coolest thing. If you don't believe me, try it.

Job 23:10 is a cool scripture just in case anyone is going through a hard time and needs a little pick me up:)

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Moon

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