Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Let Him Lead

This was such an amazing week here in Fort Mac, but I just want to tell you all about October 5th for me!

We started off with our typical morning schedule. The usual exercise, shower, breakfast, etc. We planned out our day and then left for a meeting. After the meeting we had a lesson to hurry off to. That lesson fell through and we were about to go with our backup plan, but I felt impressed to visit one of our potentials earlier than we had planned. We had been trying to contact her for a couple days now and she was finally home. She told us she wasn't interested and while I was disappointed, I felt peace because I knew someone else was going to find her when she is ready.

Later that day, we had a lesson with someone referred to us by Sister Harper, a member in the ward. Her name is Sheena and she has been Sister Hapers friend for 11 years now. Sister Harper told us that she has been working to get Sheena to come to church for all 11 years, but she finally agreed to meet with the missionaries. She is a devout Catholic so she already shared a lot of our same beliefs. As we taught the Restoration, the spirit was so strong. At the end of the lesson she told us she has had chills throughout the lesson and we told her it was the Holy Ghost testifying that what we were saying was true. I gave her a Book of Mormon that Sister Harper had written her testimony in and Sheena was so excited about it. We asked her if she would read everyday and she said she would! We are so excited to keep teacher her!

We have 2 investigators on date for baptism, a father and his daughter. We have been trying to contact them but we haven't had any luck. We all felt like we should drop by, even though we didn't have them on our schedule. They were home and invited us in. We shared a little message and then asked Emily to pray. She was very reluctant so her dad said he would pray. This was HUGE because he has never prayed in front of anyone before. He said the sweetest prayer and the spirit was so strong, especially when he was talking about how grateful he was to have his kids. You could tell he would do anything for his kids and it made me think of our Heavenly Father and how he would do absolutely anything for us.

While this day might seem like just another day of mission life, it was a testament to me that we have a loving Father in Heaven who will guide us to do things better than we ever would on our own. However, He can only lead your life if you let Him. Are you letting Him lead your life?

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving yesterday:)

Sister Moon

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