Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dropping like flys...

We had meetings all week in Edmonton so we were only in our area for 3 days, but in those 3 days we dropped all our investigators. It was super sad because 2 of them were on date and we were super excited about the other ones, but they just weren't ready for the gospel.
Even though we were dropping a bunch of people, we were also finding a bunch of people! We taught 4 lessons yesterday (which is almost as much as we teach in a week)! We taught this girl named Mackayla who has grown up in the United church. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and talked about eternal families and temple marriages. She has a 4 month old baby so she loved hearing all these things. At the end of the lesson we talked about the 3 kingdom's and she said she had never heard of it before. She said, "This just...is really interesting." After the lesson we all said we felt like the was going to say that it just felt right. We are super excited for her next lesson!

I am grateful to have this gospel so I don't have to wonder about anything. I know that God has a plan for me, just like he has a plan for all of us. He loves us all so very much!

Keep doing the little things!
Sister Moon

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